This is the place to catch up on all your Apprentice UK news. We will also be discussing The Apprentice - Comic Relief as well as previous series and candidates.
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Repeat reminder...
Michael Parkinson slams The Apprentice
The Mirror article reads :
Parky, 72, hit out after a trailer for The Apprentice was aired on his show.
He said: "I have an aversion to that programme. I find it very distasteful. It's full of vulgar, loud people who, for all the wrong reasons, are dobbing each other in."
Parkinson, right, said of Sir Alan: "When he tells someone 'You're fired' what's funny about that? You're fired. There's nothing funny about that."
Parky loves a good moan thesedays. Maybe its because The Apprentice is rising in the ratings battle while hardly no one watches his show anymore? Not everyone wants to watch Billy Connolly or Dame Edna do the same thing on his show every series.
Monday, 2 April 2007
The Apprentice Magazine!
Check the official magazine website out for more information!
Big twist for the next episode...
So make sure you tune in!
Sir Alan mood-meter!
Sir Alan was pretty calm in the series opener. He was just sussing the new candidates out one by one - he knows there is plenty of time to come down on them. The Sir Alan highlight was pulling Tre up, on the Boys team name, revealing that it was the name of a previous company Tre worked for.
I'm sure this mood-meter will be very different next week as you'll find out in the next entry...
Tim Campbell
He has such a good attitude, and because of that, i'm sure he'll thrive in the business world with his own business.
You can read the article here.
Interview with Nick and Margaret
There are a few good laughs in that read, and proves to me that Nick and Margaret are the perfect assistants to Sir Alan and are loyal as they come to Sir Alan.
Nick's dry wit is now well and truly famous and it seems that Margaret can be just as scary as Sir Alan!
I hope your enjoy the article.
Episode 1 reaction
Every newspaper tv review I read poured heaps of praise on the show, especially on Sir Alan. Many have even said its worth the licence fee alone, which I totally agree with.
Tre Azam has made a lot of the headlines and some people may not like him but he is fantastic for the show, he'll give it an edge and it gets the press talking about the programme which then gets more people watching the show. The elements of good business, humour and madness could all be spotted in the first episode and it'll all blossom in the coming weeks.
I have been telling everyone I know who have not yet seen the show, to watch it. They watch it and love the intial draw of Sir Alan Sugar and then later, they appreciate the other parts of the show. Its such a watchable show thanks to the people at talkbackTHAMES who do a superb job at putting it all together and editing it to a high standard.
What did everyone think of the show? Did it match expectation?
Episode #1 rating
I'm here with the rating of episode 1 of The Apprentice from last Wednesday. The show received a rating of 5.0m viewers, with a 22% share of the audience.
The first episode of the last series attracted only 2.5m so its a big leap, but the move to BBC ONE explains that. I expected a steady rating of something around 5m but the test is will the rating rise or not for the second episode? The Apprentice has always grown in numbers as the series goes on week by week so it is going to be very interesting.
The Apprentice is a like a bug, once you have watched it, you can't stop watching it. Word of mouth helps a show like The Apprentice too. I expect the rating to gradually rise in the coming weeks - especially when all the candidates are all well known,
The Apprentice - 'You're Fired!' on BBC TWO started with 2.1 million viewers and an 11% share which is really good for BBC TWO, and that was probably only watched by the die hard fans so this figure will pick up too when the casual viewers started getting involved with the show more.
They are encouraging numbers and the main thing is that The Apprentice won the 9pm-10pm slot out of all the channels, which will keep the Beeb happy.
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Episode #1
The production values are the same, Sir Alan is the same and the usual character traits of past Apprentice candidates are all there, which will please all Apprentice purists. The show looks superb, those shots of London at night and the skyline of London all make it at home on BBC ONE. It felt like it was a BIG show tonight and that it finally made the big time but it stuck to its winning formula and it didn't sell out at all, which made me happy.
I love the shot they have of all the candidates walking across the bridge, the wind blowing in their faces, all walking towards the camera, its become an iconic feature of an opening episode of the show.
When they were deciding on naming the teams, I immediately thought back to the last series and the time it took to decide on a name (A-Team ring any bells?) and I hoped they all wouldn't decide too quickly as the naming team segment always delivers much hilarity and some conflict. You could tell Sophie was riled when her suggestion that Stealth meant slow, taking its time and that it wouldn't be a good reflection on the Girls Team and the other girls just basically didn't have any of it and still went ahead with the name.
I just knew Sir Alan would pick up on the Boys Team name when he was going to give them the brief for the first task. I love twists in the show, especially when Sir Alan sets them up. He really embarrassed Tre, when he revealed the story behind the team name - that was a company Tre used to work for. Good old Sir Alan, and I smirked when he turned around and just dropped the bombshell that the team leaders would be switched around. It was a huge development and Sir Alan did it in his own style which makes the show so good.
Would The Apprentice be as good without Sir Alan at the helm? I don't think so. He makes the show. He is the shows heart and he pumps the intensity into each and every one of the candidates. He is so intimdiating that if you were a candidate, you would just think during a task about the fear of facing Sir Alan in that boardroom as part of a losing team and that surely has to motivate you into a winning mentality.
Margaret and Nick are essential parts you have to remember. I think Nick should be used more. His reaction to the statement that 11 coffees were sold as it was a good thing was genius. Such dry wit, from one of the assistants just adds another factor. Both Nick and Margaret are not afraid to voice their opinion, and its obvious Sir Alan trusts them 100%, and it makes the operations of the show just flow really well. When a bad decision is in the process of being made, you can see both Nick and Margarets faces just show an utter look of shock and confusion. Thats when you know a bad decision has been made.
I couldn't help but laugh when Sir Alans helicopter landed on the heli-pad and all the candidates nearly went flying away due to the utter force of the wind. Adrian Chiles pointed out a cracker, when he noticed Andy wore a tie-pin and it still didn't do the job when the helicopter landed as Andy's tie nearly flew away into the Thames!
Tre Azam is quite a character. At first I thought he was going to be an absolute idiot as he couldn't shut up and he wouldn't listen but Jadine was absolutely unbearable as the episode wore on, and she was too harsh on Tre. Even though they won, Jadine should have just left the boys doing their trade in that prime spot on the high street where they were getting great sales. Jadine just created havoc between her and Tre, and she was too picky about having the Eclipse branding on top of every Cappuccino. Its only a one day task, its not like its a business starting up for the long term and they would need the product being noticable. Tre was right in what he was saying with Jadine but didn't help himself with his language. If Tre can calm down a little bit, and bite his lip when he is angered, he could go far. You can see potential clashes between Sir Alan and Tre down the line.
Jadines 'birthday performance' was quite something eh? I nearly had to walk out of the room, I was cringing so much. What was it all about?! I know you have to do some silly stuff to get those extras sales in The Apprentice but that was shocking, and laugh out loud material which the show is also famous for.
I think Andy Jackson was unlucky. He was obviously a nice bloke, and was really friendly but I don't think he had a structure set for the task. It all seemed like he was deciding on the spot, on the next move would be. I'm not sure if the editing went really against Andy. The mistakes added up, and only 1 person could get fired, and the easier option was Andy and sadly he went. There was no concrete plan, no real research, it was all too unprepared, and the project manager normally accounts for all those mistakes and thats why Andy went. Sophie made a big mistake with the purchasing but she held her hands up, her card will be marked with Sir Alan, he won't forget it, no chance. She needs an impressive performance next week.
I think the majority of the boys were too uneager to accept the project manager role - it was all too false that first discussion - they were all working each other out. I think they had witnessed what had happened in previous series and wanted to stay clear. Andy and Adam had their private chat and Andy did back down because maybe it had hit him what he might have been letting himself in for, but it would have looked good that he had offered to be the project manager. The boys then forced Andy into taking the role and you could see in Andys face that he felt threatened and that he was forced in the end into the role. The pressure then kicked in and it got to Andy. I felt so sorry for him in the boardroom as he was really genuine and on 'You're Fired!' he was good value. I hope he is stronger because of the experience and he does well in future life as he was a great bloke.
If you are reading Andy by any chance, please contact the blog via e-mail so people can send their wishes to you through the blog.
The task was a good one, but as it was the first episode, we didn't get to see much of the candidates. Rory, Paul, Lohit weren't featured that much, and for the girls, Natalie and Ghazal didn't get much screen time. Its because of the first 20 minutes was all introductions, but next week is when we get to the start of the real personalities coming out and the rivalries starting. Next week is when the real action kicks in.
I thought the episode was a great introduction and it had good, traditional Apprentice UK values. These introduction episodes are always hard to judge, but I have tried my best getting some details out of it. We'll find out more about the candidates as each episode goes by.
The dog task for next week looks fantastic and plenty of laughs are also expected. I can't wait.
The Apprentice is BACK!
Its here!
I wonder how it'll fare in the ratings tonight, considering England are playing Andorra in a Euro 2008 Qualifier which is live on Sky Sports 1. Sky normally get over 2m for England games, so that may take a big portion of Apprentice fans out of the equation. This blog will report all the ratings news tomorrow so check back tomorrow for all the news!
Don't forget about 'You're Fired' on BBC TWO at 10pm, straight after the BBC ONE show. As the blog reported a week or so back, Ruth Badger is scheduled to be amongst the guests.
Here are some other bits and pieces :
Search Engine Roundtable has this which is an interesting read. talk about the entrepreneurship boom created by The Apprentice in the UK.
Thats it for the build up for the new series. This blog DOESN'T give out spoilers so it won't spoil your viewing of the new series at all. I hope you have enjoyed the build up over the last few weeks and check back for full analysis on the first episode and also 'You're Fired!'.
Its going to be a fun 12 weeks and I hope you stick with the blog throughout the new series.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the show!
Sir Alan interview
It's nearly here!
It is officially the 28th March 2007, and at 9pm, the new third series of The Apprentice will be screened on its new home of BBC ONE, followed by You're Fired on BBC TWO.
Sorry its been a bit quiet on here the last day or two, I guess its just been the lull before the storm as the next few weeks will be mad on here with the show going out every week.
Expect full analysis on each episode -
- who was the star performer?
- did the right person get fired?
- if not, who should have got the boot?
- quote and moment of the show
and much much more. There will be a 'Sir Alan mood meter' throughout the series here on the Blog, measuring the mood of the Boss as each episode goes by.
This blog will really cater for your every Apprentice need.
The build up has been perfect in the press for this series and expect many plugs for the show in the papers this morning (Wednesday) and the fallout on Thursday morning will be interesting to look out for.
I'm so excited that its nearly here. Please do keep on checking back to the blog and supporting it through the series.
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Something to look out for!
It is called Get Your Act Together with Harvey Goldsmith and it's on Channel 4 on Tuesday at 9pm. It's a new series and the summary of the series is 'Legendary promoter Harvey Goldsmith is on a mission: to help revive thefortunes of six entertainment businesses in desperate need of a boost andset them back on the path to the big time'.
There is a spin off show on E4 straight after at 10pm called Harvey Goldsmith: The Encore and here are some details about it, 'Harvey Goldsmith's in the firing line as this E4 switchover show givesviewers the chance to find out exactly what went on behind the scenes of Get Your Act Together with Harvey Goldsmith on Channel 4.'
James Max (Series 1) will also appear in the spin off on E4 presenting The Max Report each week and he'll be taking part in the studio debate with Ian Hyland and Harvey. This could be a hit.
I'll be watching. Will you?
Friday Update
There will be a repeat of Wednesdays showing, every Tuesday night on BBC TWO between 7pm-8pm. This will prove really handy, if the unthinkable happens and you somehow miss the show.
The official BBC Apprentice website has been launched today. I reported yesterday that it was saying 'coming soon' but today it arrived and there is much more content on it this year which is excellent, especially more video content which is good fun. Classic clips from Series 2 feature on the website, Samuel 'the Chef' losing it in the kitchen is a must watch clip if you're a newcomer to the show.
You also have audition clips, previews clips of the choosing of the Project Manager of the Boys Team and the first meeting between the group and Sir Alan. This all takes a good chunk out of the show, so I suppose don't watch them if you don't want the Wednesday showing spoiled in any way at all. Jo Cameron's column is on there too, among many other stuff.
Also, according to Guardian Unlimited, Tim Campbell is turning to Comic Relief does The Apprentice contestant Alistair Campbell to advise him on setting up a trust to help budding entrepreneurs.
Friday, 23 March 2007
James Max
James Max appears on :
TalkSPORT - Business updates every weekday afternoon at 4.50pm
TalkSPORT - The James Max Show - Saturday Nights from 8 - 10pm
LBC - The James Max Show with BT Business IT Manager - Sundays from 5 - 7pm
Overseas Property TV - watch out for "Ask The Property Experts" where James often contributes and for "Property Pensions" that James co-presents with Sian Jones. - its on Sky 287 on at 18.30 on Thursdays and Sundays.
James even has a Myspace page.
Good luck to James with all his projects. Please support him if you can!
The countdown continues...
The 28th March is edging even closer so its getting very exciting. I can't wait and the press have made such a big deal of building up the new candidates and the show itself, so that adds to all the excitement. They know how big Series 3 is going to be.
The official BBC website for The Apprentice has had a slight change. They have placed a picture of the 16 candidates with Sir Alan right at the front of them all and it says 'coming soon'. With all the added features like podcast and behind the scenes footage online, the website will be a lot better this year. is to sponsor the new Apprentice magazine, an article is here.
There isn't much in the press today apart from more Tim Campbell stuff, and more profiles on the new candidates which are everywhere now so no point in reporting all that again.
Please remember to carry on submitting questions to Paul Tulip through e-mail to or through the comments page at the bottom of this page.
Check back soon for some news on a previous Apprentice contestant...
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Syed Ahmed - 'Hot Air'

Syed has already taken everything Alan Sugar can throw at him and come up smiling. He has braved the physical stresses and dangers of the Big Top and bounced right back. Now Syed Ahmed is about to face his biggest challenge of all. Because this time his reputation as a businessman is on the line… along with £20,000 of his own money.
After a succession of setbacks, Syed has come back with an ambitious, revolutionary idea that he hopes will make towels history - The Vortex Body Dryer. But Syed's on a tight schedule and a limited budget. In just three months he has to make the project become a reality by finding designers and engineers, taking out a Patent, putting together and testing a prototype, sourcing manufacturers, and most importantly selling the idea to businessmen and entrepreneurs.
O'Connell explained: "Everyone knows Syed Ahmed's got the gift of the gab, but now it's time for him to put his money where his mouth is. This is a fantastic opportunity for the viewer to see how Syed operates and whether he's really got what it takes to make it big."
Joe Houlihan, Executive Producer for Twofour added "this is an exciting challenge for Syed, he's up against it in terms of time and space to manoeuvre, and I think they'll be plenty of fireworks along the way."
It sounds like an excellent concept for the show. I can't wait because I think Syed is such a character and he always entertains. Good luck to Syed with this.
Sky tell me that it'll probably be aired in June. Put it in your diaries!
More Syed News
Syed runs a city based IT Recruitment firm, specializing in IT and the financial markets - Magenta Partnerships which he launched last year. It has been a successful years trading for Syed's firm and due to the sheer volume of business the website is being updated.
Syed has also launched a Media/PR company SyedAhmedLTD, and an updated website will be launched in the coming weeks
Syed also regularly appears on Sky News paper review – where he reviews up and coming paper reviews with a celebrity panel.
Also, don't forget Ask The Apprentice with Paul Tulip. Scroll down to find out more or click here.
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Wednesday - what the press are saying...
Various papers covered the story about Tim Campbell leaving his post at Amstrad to start up a new male grooming business. Here at The Apprentice UK Blog, we covered this story on March 17th, here.
The East London and the West Essex Guardian talks about how a car accident left Tre Azam in a wheelchair when he was a teenager but has fully recovered.
This is Hampshire covers Paul Callaghan's past and anaylses his chances in the upcoming series. It also says he may share a little romance with fellow Series 3 contestant, Katie Hopkins which is something to watch out for.
The Scotsman builds up the chances of Glaswegian Ghazal Asif who is a candidate in the new series. The article compares her with previous winner, Michelle Dewberry who had 'sharp business acumen with glacial blonde looks.'
This is London has separate pictures of all the new candidates so if you do your revision, you'll be able to put names to faces by the start of the new series on the 28th of March.
Ask The Apprentice #1 - Paul Tulip

Tuesday, 20 March 2007
What the papers are saying...
Here is a round up of todays articles...
The BBC reports that Jadine Johnson (financial advisor), Tre Azam (marketing and design consultant) and Simon Ambrose (former internet entrepreneur) are the ones to watch in the new series, especially for entertainment value.
The Wimbledon Guardian talks about the background behind Simon Ambrose (former internet entrepreneur) and Ifti Chaudhri (former policeman).
The Mirror reports that Rory Laing (bankrupt entrepreneur) ran a catering firm which supplied public school-educated bar staff for Henley Regatta and Cowes Week and Kate Middleton (Prince Williams girlfriend) was once an employee.
The Lancashire Telegraph talks about Adam Hosker (car salesman) who comes from Blackburn, who was once a shelf stacker and a programme seller at Blackburn FC. He is quoted as saying, 'On occasion my confidence can become arrogance'.
Article about Sir Alan...
10,000 people applied and there is also a story about stuff that happened off camera during filming of Comic Relief does The Apprentice.
The article can be read here. You need to be registered on the Media Guardian website to read it. Registration is free.
Its very very interesting. Thoughts everyone?
Details of two of the new candidates!
Lohit Kalburgi
(official website - he seems net friendly and says he'll provide his thoughts on his Apprentice experience as the series goes by)
Rory Laing
Start date for Ruth Badger's new show
Ruth Badger, Series 2 runner up, is yet again the centrepiece of a new TV show. I have been given the official start date for this series and it will launch on May 8th on Sky One and it will last for 6 weeks. It is a business troubleshooting programme, where Ruth visits a struggling business each week and tries to help them with her advice and business skills.
Meet The Boys Team
This is the Boys Team for Series 3 of The Apprentice UK. I'll list the name, age, qualifications, career and home town - for more profile details, just visit the BBC link above.
Age: 27
Qualifications: 2 A-Levels
Career: Marketing and Design Consultant
Home town: Loughton, Essex
Rory Laing
Age: 27
Qualifications: BA Hons Product Design
Career: Bankrupt Entrepreneur
Home town: Bristol
Andy Jackson
Age: 36
Qualifications: Diploma Retail Management
Career: Car Sales manager
Home town: Kirriemuir, Scotland
Simon Ambrose
Qualifications: MA Economics, Cambridge
Career: Internet Entrepreneur
Home town: Clapham, London
Paul Callaghan
Age: 27
Qualifications: BSc Engineering Physics
Career: Ex-Army Lieutenant
Home town: Southampton
Ifti Chaudhri
Age: 33
Qualifications: BSc Product Design
Career: Company Director
Home town: Egham, Surrey
Adam Hosker
Age: 27
Qualifications: BA Hons, Sport Managment
Career: Car Sales Manager
Home town: Blackburn, Lancs
Lohit Kalburgi
Age: 25
Qualifications: Bachelor Of Commerce
Career: Telecoms Manager
Home town: London
- Visit the BBC page for more details.
- A lot of 20 yr olds in this Series, normally its made up of quite a lot of 30s +.
- A Ex-Army Lieutenant and someone whose career is a 'Bankrupt Entrepreneur'. Quite a mix. Plenty of confident people in that bunch, it will be fun seeing them clash.
- Phew, well thats it for now, I deserve some dinner after all that. More coverage later on the news released today. Check back soon!
Meet The Girls Team
This is the Girls Team for Series 3 of The Apprentice UK. I'll list the name, age, qualifications, career and home town - for more profile details, just visit the BBC link above.
- Visit the BBC page for more details
- They look all suitable for The Apprentice experience! I'm glad they haven't gone for 8 bimbos as it would have made a joke of the show, but Sir Alan would have walked away if he saw that it was going down the entertainment route.
- Who will be the new Michelle? Who will be the new Jo? There must be a Badger amongst them too eh? We'll find out in the coming weeks...
Series 3 : The Press Release!
The BBC today have officially announced details of Series 3 of The Apprentice UK.
Here is the Introduction
Highlights of the Introduction include...
16 applicants this series.
Sir Alan is firing on all cylinders and has set the two teams some of the toughest assignments ever seen on the hit show – including two international tasks.
Weekly tasks are tougher than ever, examples are having to sell British farm produce at a French farmers' market, design accessories for dogs, create a new brand of trainers, sell art photography at a trendy gallery, produce sweets to sell at London Zoo and compete with the likes of Starbucks and Costa to sell the most coffee on a busy high street.
In the first episode Sir Alan makes it quite clear who's in charge and what he's looking for: "I am looking for someone who is drop dead shrewd ... but this is the job interview from hell."
The Apprentice online is back and will see a hive of activity designed, developed and managed by FremantleMedia's Interactive division to give a truly cross-platform experience. The site will provide a full service delivering fans the opportunity to keep up and delve deeper in to the show with news and images, plus exclusive behind-the-scenes video clips, delivered both online and on mobile.
And, for the first time, The Apprentice will have its own weekly podcast.
Each week will offer breaking news, video interviews, previews, teaser and highlight clips from the show coupled with the chance to view exclusive behind-the-scenes content and extended footage that producers couldn't fit into the BBC One show, keeping fans completely up to date.
There will also be an exclusive weekly column from one of last year's most memorable candidates, Jo Cameron, who will be commenting on the tasks, new candidates and her recollections of the Boardroom.
It really does seem they are pushing the boat out for this series, as its moving to BBC ONE.Sir Alan seems he is good as ever! Some of the quotes in the Introduction are hilarious.
I love the sound of the weekly podcast, much improved website with unseen footage, its something a show like The Apprentice has been crying out for, also its much more for us to get our teeth into!Jo Camerons column will be a good read as Jo never lets the punters down at all.
Mobile coverage also, I didn't expect that. Now where is my mobile and where do I sign up!
Next entry is on the Girls Team...
Sir Alan Sugar
Make your own mind up, is all that can be said about it!
Who cares about his looks? I just care about his persona and his ability to shoot someone down, whoever they may be and to say those famous words... 'you're fired'. The man is a hero.
It's Sir Alan's birthday on the 24th March by the way, so get your cards sent out in advance.
Monday, 19 March 2007
Radio news
Also, Karen Bremner (Series 2) has a new show, which is also a business light show, it also starts at 5pm and lasts till 7pm on Sunday evening. If you are based in the East of Scotland you can listen on 107.0 or listen live on
Both shows should have Apprentice related chatter once the new series gets going - so good luck with both shows guys.
More on The Apprentice Magazine
As well editorials from Michelle Dewberry, it will include contributions from Series 1 contestant Saira Khan and Series 2 runner up, Ruth Badger.
The first edition of the magazine will meet the Series 3 candidates and learn more about them. You'll find out what drives them, why they applied for The Apprentice and you'll find out their opinions on their fellow candidates. There will be more behind the scenes information too which should be juicy.
The main focus of the magazine will be based on business. Recruitment / general business skills are approached in a big way and thats where Saira and Ruth will come into it.
Thats some more information for you about the new magazine. I'm still waiting on more news so hopefully there'll be another update on the magazine in the next few days.
Sunday, 18 March 2007
The Apprentice Magazine!
I'll try and get more details...
Another award for the show
The Apprentice was in the Features & Factual Entertainment category and it was the winner! It beat off shows such as Dragons Den (BBC TWO) and The Real Hustle (BBC THREE).
The RTS website had this to say about winning show...
The Apprentice (talkbackTHAMES/Mark Burnett Productions for BBC Two)
"The jury commended the winning programme’s flawless storytelling, wonderful sense of drama, fabulous structure and great casting..."
Well done to all at talkbackTHAMES/Mark Burnett Productions, you do a fantastic job. Keep up the good work!
Michelle Dewberry video
*if it doesn't load up properly, copy and paste the URL into a media player of your choosing or go to this page and you can access the video from there.*
Its from a regional BBC programme entitled, Look North.
Michelle's autobiography is out now, its called 'Anything is Possible' and its available from all good book stores.
Coming soon to the blog
I'm here to tell you i'm currently working on a few new features that will be coming to this blog very soon. These will be regular features and will require some input from you wonderful readers, but it should give the blog readers some great content to read.
There will be also be the countdown to Series 3, as the blog will report any news relating to the news series until the big day, March 28th. When the new series is underway expect previews and previews of each show. We'll look at the star performers of the week and whether the right person got fired that particular week. We'll cover everything!
There is much more in the pipeline too so its worth sticking with the Apprentice UK Blog!
I'll be back later,
Tim Campbell news
You can read the article here.
Tim has always been sensible and he obviously has a good business brain as we witnessed in Series 1 so this could be the start of something big for him. It was nice to see him briefly appear in Comic Relief does The Apprentice too.
Good luck to Tim on his new venture.
Saturday, 17 March 2007
Part 2's rating...
After a late night of Comic Relief last night, I bring you a very tired Saturday afternoon report!
I have just got my hands on the overnight ratings for Comic Relief and the results are simply brilliant.
It is as follows *remember these are overnight ratings so can change slightly before they are fully confirmed but they are right enough)* :
10.30-10.45: 7.6 (39.3%)
10.45-11.00: 8.4 (48.1%)
11.00-11.15: 8.0 (51.4%)
11.15-11.30: 7.4 (52.2%)
They started building up Part 2 of Celebrity Apprentice from 10.35pm. The first block from 10.30 to 10.45 got a 7.6 but more importantly, the rating GREW as it got later (maybe people waiting for The Apprentice)! The next block of 10.45 to 11.00 received 8.4, a huge increase in figures, at such a late time, maybe they were still waiting? Then eventually, The Apprentice came on about 11pm, which received a stunning rating of 8.0 and an astounding share of 51.4%.
Better yet to come though. The cut it in half so they came back to it a few minutes later in the 11.15-11.30 slot. The rating fell 0.6 to 7.4 (which is still awesome) BUT, the 11.15-11.30 received the biggest share of the night at an amazing 52.2% apart from late night slots from 1am that got bigger shares but theres no other competition at that time.
The 6.6m viewers from Thursday night's show were always bound to tune back in the next night to see who got fired, and also, there were bound to be new viewers found on Comic Relief; the casual viewers who would add to the rating.
To get 8.0m (51.4%) and 7.4m (52.2%) in its slots is excellent for The Apprentice.
It raised a huge amount of money for charity too which was superb so it was a success story all round.
Piers is fired!
After some wait, we eventually found out that Piers Morgan was the member of the Boys team to be fired by Sir Alan Sugar.
It was pretty bizarre seeing laughter and jokes in the boardroom - even Sir Alan chuckled at one point! The confrontation between Alistair and Piers was brief, but still powerful and I really wonder how these two get on, off camera.
Ross Kemp didn't open his mouth once, and he was hardly in the main programme either, just like Jo Brand on the Girls team, thank goodness for the characters like Alistair/Piers/Trinny/Cheryl that kept it strong.
Alistair made the right choice in bringing in Piers and Danny back into the boardroom with him. I love Sir Alans typical swerve at the end when it looked like he was ready to draw the curtains for Alistair but ONCE he said 'however...' you just knew it was going to be Piers who was going to get fired. Sir Alan said 'You are fired' instead of the usual 'You're Fired!' which was a little and probably, pointless observation by me. I don't think Piers first words in the Boardroom on the first day telling Sir Alan to hurry up as they were busy people, really helped his relationship with Mr Sugar. Alan never forgets things like that.
Highly entertaining, right to the end though with Alistair getting a last cheeky dig in at Piers by saying 'again' after the words 'you are fired' were said by Sir Alan. That was definately the laugh out loud moment of the Boardroom scenes.
The show went down well in the studio too. Even Jonathan Ross commented on how millions of viewers watched The Apprentice last night. Jonathan also mentioned how he is a huge fan of the show and I hope he can get Sir Alan on his chat show as a guest again, because Sir Alan was great value when he was on last time.
Overall, in my opinion, Comic Relief does The Apprentice has been a huge success and has been quality viewing. The Apprentice is now officially mainstream and as I said in a previous entry, just wait till Series 3 arrives and the chance to build its rating week by week and it'll blossom. A show like The Apprentice thrives by word of mouth, so I expect the new series to be huge and the BBC must expect it too, putting it on BBC ONE and 'You're Fired!' in a great slot at 10pm straight after.
The countdown to the Series 3 begins now and keep on checking the blog for updates as the big day, March 28th draws closer. Expect in depth coverage here at The Apprentice UK Blog, there will be regular updates so keep on coming back!
If you want to suggest any ideas for the blog, please feel free to place a comment to this entry. You don't have to sign up or anything to make a comment - which is easier for you all.
Thanks, and check back tomorrow for more Apprentice UK goodness!
Friday, 16 March 2007
It's definately 10.35pm
Hopefully, The Apprentice will head the line up for that particular slot.
Coverage on Part 2 of the show will be up here later tonight so pop back later on.
Last nights rating
This totally dominated the 9-10pm timeslot and it proves the The Apprentice will surely find the move to BBC ONE from BBC TWO pretty easy as in the current market, 6.6m is a great figure.
Just imagine when Series 3 starts and it has the chance to build on it's audience week by week. The Apprentice has always had so much potential and I think Series 3 will be received so well by the mainstream. This may just be the series where the majority of casual viewers latch onto the show.
The Beeb will be very pleased with the rating, considering that the other Comic Relief spin off show, Fame Academy, has only been managing to get just over 4m a show. It leads into tonights event brilliantly and I can't wait.
Remember, the second part of Comic Relief does The Apprentice looks like it will be from 10.35pm onwards but if I hear that its going to change, i'll post up a message as soon as possible.
New series start date - it's official!
After tonight's excellent Comic Relief does The Apprentice, a trailer was aired on BBC ONE about the series of The Apprentice UK (Series 3). It featured male and female applicants all dressed to impress racing and fighting to get to Sir Alan Sugar's car first. It features people pushing each other, people falling over, a women going right into a pool of water and it ends with Sir Alan stepping out of his car and looking into the camera, and the announcer states The Apprentice is making the move to BBC ONE, and it said it was 'coming soon'.
I can reveal Series 3 will begin on Wednesday March 28th on BBC ONE at 9pm.
ALSO, the revealing news is that The Apprentice: You're Fired is moving its premier screening to BBC TWO, straight after the main show on ONE, at 10pm! It will last 30 minutes and Adrian Chiles will remain as Host.
The guests for the first show are Apprentice Series 2 contestant Ruth Badger, Coffee Republic founder Sahar Hashemi, and Heat magazine editor Mark Frith.
I can't wait!
Tonights show
Obviously it was always going to fast paced, and have less focus than the real show as they had to fit so much into a 1 hour slot. As well meet the candidates, the Sir Alan Sugar introduction etc. I thought it worked really well though, it was nice to see Sir Alan wasn't looking up or on level terms with the celebs, he shot them down straight away which was great television.
I think it was a masterstroke by the producers/Comic Relief to get the likes of Karren Brady, Alistair Campbell and Piers Morgan into the show to give the celeb version a businessspine to it because if it was full of pop stars, it wouldn't have worked but because there were high profile figures, there were a lot of reputations on the line which Sir Alan wanted to lay into.
Piers and Alistair were always going to clash and I have to credit Alistair for staying composed and laughing it all off, he knows his PR well of course. It was nice to see him to tell Rupert straight off that he didn't want him to smoke in the suite, I think that sent Rupert off the rails. He never looked comfortable at all did Rupert, he was totally out of his depth. I think that will heavily affect his reputation, walking out of a charity gig.
Ross Kemp and Mauren Lipman were pretty quiet too, maybe because of the editing perhaps as most of the drama came from Piers/Alistair/Karren/Trinny/Cheryl. So the actors and actresses were more reserved, maybe they were thinking about their careers.
I haven't been a fan of Cheryl Cole in the past but she was probably one of the most down to earth in the show. I loved her look to the camera after Trinny said she went detoxing with a Russian doctor of her's. I was thinking the same thing as Cheryl!
Great to see Tim Campbell appear in the programme. Not many people know about Tim as The Apprentice Series 1 wasn't really known about much, but he was a class act in Series 1 and it was a wise move by the Boys Team but I wonder if he was just called in by the Production Team?
Overall, the boys were much more creative and had a better business plan but the girls just had richer contacts and that clinched it for them. I couldn't believe their figure for Food and Drink, especially when their 'Food Restaurant' was empty, but as Trinny said, wine sales did it for them.
I think Comic Relief does The Apprentice was really enjoyable. It was good as it could have been seeing as it was a one off. Good list of candidates, good task, good celeb appearances, plenty of drama, tears from Trinny, cheque books flying around, seeing Sir Alan smile and the boys shocked faces at the end and it still isn't over!
More Comic Relief does The Apprentice from 10.35pm onwards on BBC One as part of Comic Relief - The Big One.
What did you think of the show tonight?
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Start date for new series...
The Apprentice You're Fired with the excellent Adrian Chiles will return on BBC THREE straight after each show, with a later repeat either on BBC One or Two.
I should get confirmation later on Thursday.
Comic Relief does The Apprentice
The line is really good as well, thank goodness its better than the Celebrity Fame Academy line up, I mean I don't think Linda Robson could handle The Apprentice, do you?!
The line up is :
- Cheryl Cole
- Jo Brand
- Danny Baker
- Piers Morgan
- Ross Kemp
- Karren Brady
- Trinny Woodall
- Alistair Campbell
- Maureen Lipman
- Rupert Everett - well, you'll see on Thursday...
5 males and 5 females are both given a task. The losing team has to face Sir Alan Sugar in the boardroom and 1 member of the losing team gets fired.
I hear its excellent and its no surprise as anything The Apprentice/Sir Alan does, it turns into pure gold. Its definately the highlight of Comic Relief for me.
Are you looking forward to it?
I'm a huge fan of the show, and i'm currently designing a website dedicated to it, but I thought i'd set up the blog as a warm up, letting people know of the upcoming site as well as covering Comic Relief Does The Apprentice which is airing on BBC One on Thursday 15th March 2007 at 9pm. It is also sceening during Comic Relief - The Big One on Friday Night where a member of the losing team will get the Sir Alan Sugar treatment and will get fired. I can't wait.
It expected from after 10.35 on Friday night is when Sir Alan Sugar will announce who is fired. The Radiotimes state :
10.35: Alan Sugar reveals who's been sacked from the team of celebrity apprentices. Plus sketches from Catherine Tate, Ricky Gervais as never seen before, and Jonathan Ross and Kate Moss appear in Little Britain Live.
More on Celebrity Apprentice soon.
Anyway, the new site is coming soon, hopefully as close to the start of the new series as possible but lets just hope this place gets going as the new series draws closer. I will be looking for input for the new site, as well as possible columnists. If there are any previous contestants possibly reading, maybe you might be interested? Probably not, but it was worth a try!
Stay with us...please.